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Pre-Production Features features

Production catalog for filmmakers

Catalog all your project’s assets in one place with Celtx. Manage the people and assets that bring your project to life.

Ditch the binder

Don’t let paper-based processes weigh down your production. Celtx’s digital catalog reduces data entry errors and the burden of carrying a production binder on set. Track, manage, and categorize assets tagged in your script in one convenient location.

See Celtx’s Catalog in action

How it works

Celtx catalog takes care of the heavy lifting by accessing data stored in your production documents in real time for a single version of the truth. 

Tools for every stage of production

The Celtx studio guides you every step of the way with integrated tools and features.


Script Editors

For film & TV, and theater.

Episodic Projects

Keep your scripts organized.

Automatic Formatting

Write to industry standards.

Story Development

Beat Sheet

Visualize your story structure.


Bring your script to life.

Script Goals & Insights

Set writing goals and better understand your script.



Easily tag script assets.


Organize every element in your script.

Shot List

Plan out every shot.


Automatically create a stripboard from your script.

Cast & Crew

Track their every detail.


Easily generate and distribute to cast and crew.



Track expenses and prevent overruns.

Call sheets

Dynamically generated and updated.


Get a snapshot of your shoot.

Get started today with Celtx’s all-in-one studio for writing, story development, pre-production, and production.

Used by writers in 180+ countries

Over 5 million verified Celtx accounts

Used in 25,000+ educational institutions

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